Identifying Wetland Boundaries in Florida
The process of flagging and mapping a wetland line is commonly referred to as wetland delineation. This is the most common job that we do for landowners (or potential landowners) to help them understand the value of their property. Impacting wetlands with development can be expensive and obtaining the necessary permits is very time consuming. However, uplands are typically much easier to develop on. Knowing the exact location of the wetlands allows you to make decisions on where and whether to build (or buy). We have been trained in both the Florida Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology (Chapter 62–340, F.A.C.) and the Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (1987).
In addition to offering wetland delineations, we offer aerially interpretations of wetland lines. Here we do GIS analysis to determine the extent of wetland habitat. This process is usually coupled with a site visit to field verify the aerially interpreted lines. It is an effective tool to use when dealing with large tracts of land prior to making development plans or purchase. Because we don't have to spend as much time in the field physically flagging the line, costs are significantly reduced. However, the State may require the line to be properly flagged if they feel like there is a chance of impacts to wetlands during site development.
Click for pricing information on our wetland delineation.
In addition to offering wetland delineations, we offer aerially interpretations of wetland lines. Here we do GIS analysis to determine the extent of wetland habitat. This process is usually coupled with a site visit to field verify the aerially interpreted lines. It is an effective tool to use when dealing with large tracts of land prior to making development plans or purchase. Because we don't have to spend as much time in the field physically flagging the line, costs are significantly reduced. However, the State may require the line to be properly flagged if they feel like there is a chance of impacts to wetlands during site development.
Click for pricing information on our wetland delineation.